Before the treatment

Those who are getting ready to follow my treatment must know that metabolic problems and overweight are often due to beliefs and dietary behaviours far from the real functioning mechanisms of the human body. This awareness is essential to join the diet better and to achieve good results.


During the elaboration of food plans, I follow the scientific principles of official medicine.
Medical science consists of a set of acquisitions that allows you to know the reality of each person: drawing up diets in line with scientific truth, I chose to join the real functioning mechanisms of the human body.


Besides scientific reality, although in a clear contrast, there is the "culture of the hearsay" that is based on dietetic notions that have no scientific basis and which come from the hearsay, from the Internet sites, sometimes from television programmes or from some newspaper articles.
The purpose of this type of diet, in addition to favouring commercial interests, is to support psychological instances of those who want to build a reality that works according to their own expectations.


A common characteristic of non-scientific diets is to believe that the food plan consist in excluding forbidden foods.
According to the official science for the treatment of overweight, underweight and metabolic problems, there isn’t a classification between permitted and prohibited foods, but on the contrary, the personalized quantities of the various foods have a great importance: all foods consumed in the "right quantities" contribute to satisfy harmoniously the needs of the body.
Arbitrary exclusions of whole food categories, on the other hand, can lead to serious nutritional deficiencies and so to a deteriorating health status.
In the most serious cases, finding what you can’t eat becomes obsessive, leading to the creation of "symbol foods".


The symbol is a food or a food category that, regardless of the quantities taken, would be guilty of overweight and related metabolic problems.
Classic examples of "symbol foods" are pasta and bread or milk and dairy products that "make you fat" and meat that "hurts".
The function of "symbol foods" is to divert attention from the wrong eating behaviour that you don’t want to talk about.

Many people, in fact, tend to hide the real causes of overweight and related issues, which are a real taboo, such as:

  • the addition of food in form of nibbles;
  • frequent and / or uncontrolled in quantity convivial occasions;
  • repeated consumption of sweets;
  • improper use of too sweet and / or alcoholic drinks;
  • use of inadequate seasonings;
  • chaotic and irregular nutrition.

Others, in an attempt to search for something forbidden, submit themselves to tests of intolerances, often completely unreliable, hoping to find a food or more than one, often a whole category of foods, to declare it "responsible" of their overweight or their physical problems. Some, for example, want to eliminate gluten from their diet without having any diagnosis justifying this choice.


Those who have these beliefs easily join "dietary proposals" provided by not very experienced people. These pseudo-diets, apparently different one from another, actually have in common the following features:

  • don’t follow the scientific criteria validated by official medicine;
  • promise results without quantifying foods;
  • don’t require a minimum time to prepare meals;
  • when they get a result, often works to the detriment of the health.

A basic concept escapes those who follow these dietary proposals: metabolic change and weight variations are positive only if they are obtained by joining the scientific diets.
A weight loss can’t certainly be considered an advantage if it is caused by an illness or unhealthy diet and elaborated in contrast to the principles of official medicine.


It is unclear how, when it comes to intervening on your health going on a diet, some people rely on techniques that are in full contrast with the official medicine and therefore with the real needs of your body. These people are not willing to:

  • get on a car that has brakes not built in respect of current regulations;
  • take a lift that doesn’t follow the rules of usability;
  • eat unpackaged food according to hygienic rules.


Reservation of a first examination takes place contacting the office by telephone.

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